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我国智能经济的发展内生于经济转型升级过程中创造的智能化需求。与AI 1.0不同,新一代人工智能(AI 2.0)不再是简单用计算机模拟人的智能,而是基于网络空间发展的数据智能,即智能机器、人和网络相互融合的智能系统。智能经济是以数据和计算为“关键生产要素”的新经济形态,包括人工智能的产业化和产业的智能化过程中创造的新产品、新技术、新模式和新业态。互联网,尤其是移动互联网发展中创造出的数据生态优势是中国人工智能科技产业发展的前提和基础。在拥有数据生态优势的条件下,强烈的需求牵引、产学研协同创新、创新生态系统的高度开放性和核心产业部门与融合产业部门的融合发展,共同构成了中国智能经济发展的关键机制。  相似文献   
Often described as an outcome, inequality is better understood as a social process—a function of how institutions are structured and reproduced, and the ways people act and interact within them across time. Racialized inequality persists because it is enacted moment to moment, context to context—and it can be ended should those who currently perpetuate it commit themselves to playing a different role instead. This essay makes three core contributions. First, it highlights a disturbing parity between the people who are most rhetorically committed to ending racialized inequality and those who are most responsible for its persistence. Next, it explores the origin of this paradox—how it is that ostensibly antiracist intentions are transmuted into “benevolently racist” actions. Finally, it presents an alternative approach to mitigating racialized inequality, one that more effectively challenges the self‐oriented and extractive logics undergirding systemic racism, rather than expropriating blame to others, or else adopting introspective and psychologized approaches to fundamentally social problems, those sincerely committed to antiracism can take concrete steps in the real world—actions that require no legislation or coercion of naysayers, just a willingness to personally make sacrifices for the sake of racial justice.  相似文献   
This article analyses the effects of education on wage inequality in the informal sector in Cameroon. The author uses quantile regression on data from the Second survey on employment and the informal sector in Cameroon (EESI 2) of 2010. The results indicate that both wages and wage inequality increase with education in the informal sector, with tertiary education creating greatest inequality. These findings point to a number of policy recommendations for a transition to formality, such as the creation of more jobs for a skilled workforce, the development of sites adapted to informal sector activities and the creation of more vocational schools.  相似文献   
乡村治理是乡村振兴战略设计框架中的重要内容,是我国国家治理的内在基础逻辑。要构建和完善“自治法治德治”的 乡村治理体系,应当积极发掘、传承保护、盘活和创新利用好乡村传统治理资源,推进本土化治理,实现乡村善治的终极目标。 彝族传统文化结构中蕴藏有丰富的治理资源,相关学者早从不同视角做过相关探讨或研究。总体看来,目前,虽然学界以“乡 村治理”作为直接视角嵌入的研究尚少,但是早有学者针对彝族的习惯法、家支制度、德古机制、信仰文化、乡村精英等展开相 关研究。众多研究成果表明,彝族传统治理资源具有强大的治理效能和实现乡村善治的独特优势。  相似文献   
彝族古籍文献《苏巨黎咪》产生于唐朝初至中叶,记述了从上至君长到下至百姓的各种传统道德观念,蕴含着对秩序观念的建构,是彝族传统文化的重要载体。其主要内容可归结三个层面:强调君臣关系下的忠臣观念;以君主为主体的尚贤爱民的治理观;孝悌亲友、崇祖敬毕的和谐观及爱美向善的仁义观。该书是作者通过对儒家文化的学习以及有选择性地吸收和融合的产物,体现出作者出于维护统治者利益的、对稳定社会秩序的追求,把下层和上层、边缘和主流联系了起来,增强了族群凝聚力和认同感,维护了君长统治和社会稳定,推动了当时彝族社会的良性转型和健康发展。  相似文献   
新冠疫情期间,企业为了缓解各方面压力,探索出"共享员工"新型用工形式,具体表现为企业间共享模式、用工单位直接与劳动者签订劳务合同以及在第三方介入下实现员工共享。中央及地方政府也纷纷推出鼓励"共享员工"发展的政策。但是"共享员工"制度是否能在常时条件下成为一种用工形式仍存在一系列问题。"共享员工"制度常态化的可能性应从其对劳务派遣制度"三性"的突破、对传统员工借调主体范围的扩大以及对共享经济用工模式的补充等方面分析。"共享员工"制度实现常态化需要以平台经济为依托,借助政府监督机构,对其他用工制度的不足进行修复式移用。  相似文献   
This article studies the Miao classification as an example to examine the minzu shibie project initiated by the Chinese Communist Party after 1949. The Miao classification that originates with the minzu shibie project can be defined as a process of miaoicization; however, it is not a unified Miao group (as projected by the classification team) that has emerged but rather one dominant Miao subgroup that defines the official Miao category in contemporary China. At the moment the most dominant Miao subgroup is the Hmu group in Southeast Guizhou. The overemphasis of Hmu sub-culture to represent all the Miao of China is related to the fact that over the last decades many important leaders in Guizhou have been Hmu. While all Hmu are sinicized to a certain extent, it seems that the Hmu at the bottom of the socioeconomic scale are most likely to be sinicized and to amalgamate with the Han majority.  相似文献   
试论构建和谐的市场主体关系   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
在我国社会主义市场经济条件下,不同所有制性质的市场主体之间不再是相互对立、改造与被改造的关系。在我国改革过程中,各市场主体之间形成了平等相处、公平竞争、相互依存、共同发展的和谐关系。当前,消除不利于非公有制经济发展的障碍,赋予其真正的平等地位,鼓励、支持和引导非公有制经济的发展,是完善、构建和谐的市场主体关系的必要措施。  相似文献   
弗兰克·奥哈拉是"纽约派"诗歌的代表人物,在美国后现代诗坛占有举足轻重的地位.然而,多年来,对于奥哈拉的研究只停留在其诗歌的先锋技巧和语言实验的层面上,而忽略了其诗歌中蕴涵的十分丰富的社会文化因素.文章对奥哈拉创作的社会历史氛围,以及他的诗歌文本进行了全面、深入的研究,并特别关注了其诗歌中诗学与文化复杂而独特的关系,并结合诗歌文本进行了深入的探讨.  相似文献   
经济承压背景下中国能源经济预测与展望   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
2019年中央经济工作会议强调,中国正处在转变发展方式、优化经济结构、转换增长动力的攻关期,经济下行压力不断加大。以此为背景阐述能源经济发展现状,分析重点行业发展前景,通过不同情景下的预测分析,探讨经济承压背景下中国能源经济发展的路径与趋势。根据预测结果,经济承压对各行业的能源消费量存在普遍影响,尤其是煤炭、黑色金属冶炼和汽车行业的能源消费量在未来一段时间将呈下降趋势;在基准情形下,预计到2030年,中国GDP将达到171.97万亿元(2018年不变价水平),能源消费总量约57.09亿吨标准煤,煤炭消费占比将不断下降,清洁能源占比预计达到41.7%。根据预测结果,有针对性地在能源消费结构、能源效率和能源合作方面提出政策建议。  相似文献   
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